All projects
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Displaying projects 201 - 220 of 31766
Bi Directional Mapper
aitem 2020-07-27 | Convert a number to an approximated text expression: from '0.23' to 'less than a quarter'.
zm 2020-11-23 | No description given
noidi 2014-09-19 | Task management and async utilities for Clojure
sathyavijayan 2021-12-02 | lein plugin connecting to s3-wagon-private and credentials for Hashicorp Vault
mlimotte 2016-06-28 | The Clojure-helpers to make blockchain development less painful
source-c 2023-07-03 | The H2 dialect extension for HoneySQL library
source-c 2022-11-12 | Java properties files micro parser for Clojure
source-c 2023-02-27 | The LevelDB driver in Clojure
source-c 2022-10-18 | DKD commons for PostgreSQL in Clojure
source-c 2022-08-29 | The SQL Graph with Tinkerpop3 and Clojure
source-c 2023-08-17 | Boot task providing a Figwheel for ClojureScript development.
ajchemist 2016-07-15 | A simple cljs utility for conditionally joining classNames together
ajchemist 2016-08-14 | A Clojure HTTP library wrapping the Apache HttpComponents client.
ajchemist 2020-10-11 |