All projects
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Displaying projects 141 - 160 of 31764
afrey 2018-10-08 | Visualization of Datascript state
afrey 2017-05-04 | Infix operators for test assertions
afrey 2017-08-28 | Ring handler to server HTML5 single page application
afrey 2017-04-18 | Http handling of jwt authentication, automatic retry,
debouncing, and cancellable requests via a thin DSL.
lwhorton 2016-11-10 | A thin logging layer for use in clojurescript.
lwhorton 2016-11-10 | A thin wrapper around re-frame that provides stronger debugging and enhanced interceptors.
lwhorton 2016-11-10 | A live-coding environment for light shows, built on the Open Lighting Architecture, using bits of Overtone.
brunchboy 2024-11-08 | A thin wrapper around re-frame that provides stronger debugging
and enhanced interceptors.
lwhorton 2016-11-09 | boot-clj task for wrapping npm
ag 2017-06-01 | boot-clj task for managing npm modules with yarn
ag 2017-10-05 | Utility functions used in my other projects
ageneau 2020-10-06 | Edmonds's blossom algorithm for maximum weight matching in undirected graphs
ageneau 2021-01-14 | Leiningen template for libraries with better release cycle.
ageneau 2020-10-03 | Implementation of the Glicko-2 rating algorithm
ageneau 2018-01-31 | No description given
ageneau 2020-10-09 | No description given
ageneau 2020-10-04 | Leiningen template for libraries with better release cycle.
ageneau 2020-10-04 |